Chesapeake SonarWiz

SonarWiz5® is an all-in-one suite of programs for the real-time acquisition and post-processing of sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler data. The software is designed to be simple to setup and easy to use, thus minimizing training time and costs.

Specifically intended for sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler use, the software offers powerful QC tools and intuitive data displays (map, waterfall, and profile) for a variety of analysis levels. Mosaics, isopachs, subbottom interpretations, seabed classification, change detection – practically anything required from sidescan sonar or subbottom profiler data is achievable.

Acoustic Imaging is a certified reseller and training/support centre for Chesapeake products. We offer a SonarWiz5 Office package for lease to clients with short projects or who want to assess the software before purchasing.